Update: Gavin Jack received a long-awaited heart transplant Friday, October 11th at Stanford's Lucile Packard Children's Hospital.

Gavin’s parents Deputy Tony Jack, Michelle Parker and stepfather Retired Chief Deputy Terry Parker received word on Thursday night that a donor heart was being flown in for their son. The next morning doctors operated on Gavin for 10 hours. Gavin is doing very well at this time.

Doctors expect Gavin to remain in intensive care for two more weeks, and possibly return home within six weeks. Gavin will have to stay close to Stanford's hospital for the next three to six months. Best wishes and thoughts go out to Gavin for a healthy recovery. As can be imagined the medical costs are still rising for the families. Anyone interested in posting a message and/or making a donation to the family to help with the rising medical costs can click on the following link: http://cota.donorpages.com/PatientOnlineDonation/COTAforGavinJ/M.

Click here to read article about Gavin in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.